Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Determination to Live

A pastor and the deacons had been ministering to a 96 year old woman in the nursing home for several months. When the pastor decided to go on a mission trip to Mexico, the deacons decided they needed to tell Mrs. Smith.

"Mrs. Smith, the pastor has gone on a mission trip to Mexico for two weeks.  In case you pass away before he returns, who would you like to conduct your funeral?"

"I want the pastor to do it."

"Mrs. Smith, he is in Mexico.  Who do you want in his place?"

"I want the pastor to do it."

"We can't get in touch with him.  There is no communication where he is.  Who should we call?"

"I want the pastor to do it."

"Mrs. Smith, even if his wife or children die, we cannot get in touch with him."

Mrs. Smith sat up in bed, crossed her arms over her ample breast and said, "Then I just won't die."

Nothing like determination.

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