Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Interview with Cheryl Rogers

Today I would like to introduce you to my friend Cheryl Rogers.  Cheryl, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

Introduction: Well hello, Theresa. Thanks so much for having me on your blog. My name is Cheryl Rogers and I’m a Christian author from Tampa, Florida. I write for all age groups, but I especially enjoy writing for young people, who seem to be very open to the Lord.

Can you tell me a little bit about your newest book? My latest book is “I Can See Christian Storybook Treasury,” a truly unique book that builds faith in God as a child grows. It starts with a short story called “I Can See God’s ABCs,” a story to be read to toddlers as they learn about their world. The book progresses to increasingly complex issues of faith, with the aim of dispelling doubts that develop about a God they cannot see. The book deals with how we can learn about God, where we can find God, why it’s important to read and study the Bible, why Jesus came to Earth and why Jesus had to die. One of the truly unique features about this book is that it is a treasury that can be used with children toddler through teen, maybe all your children or grandchildren, either at the same time or through the years.

What other books have you written? I’ve written a children’s Bible study aimed at 5 to 10 year olds, which I am giving away free during the blog tour. It’s about a baby squirrel named Peepsy who is learning how to hunt for acorns. Peepsy learns not all acorns are good to eat and not all things are as they seem to be. The Bible study, called “Making Choices: Life is Like Acorns,” also teaches God looks at the heart. There are discussion questions a parent, grandparent, Sunday school teacher or other caregiver can use to expound upon the lesson. You can get your free copy at the http://www.songsfromtheword.com/NewChristianBooks New Christian Books Online Store.  It also is free at the Smashwords.com store during the month of July.
For preteens and teens, I’ve written a short story collection called “Just Like Jonah Wail Tales” that teaches there is price to pay when you disobey. Modern day characters in the book learn, just like Jonah in the Bible, that you can land in a whale of trouble for not listening to God. But like Jonah, they seek God in prayer and God is faithful to change their circumstances.

I also have a devotions book aimed at new and young Christians aged 12 and up. Called “Fast Track to Victory, A Christian Guidebook,” Fast Track to Victory, A Christian Guidebook this book is for those eager to run the race set before them. It teaches in 40 short lessons the truths we need to truly love and forgive others, set aside pride, deal with tragedy and death, and more.

How do your faith and spiritual life play into the picture and affect your storytelling? I wanted to be a writer since I was a child, but when I became a Christian I finally realized what I needed to write about. It is my goal to encourage others to seek God, stay connected to his Word, and do what He says. That is because I learned the hard way there is a price for ignorance and disobedience. I truly hope I can help spare others the needless grief that comes from not knowing God.

What is the best writing (or life) advice you have ever heard or wished you had followed? Actually, Theresa, my best advice is that we need God in our lives. We need to stay connected to Jesus, the Word of God, our Savior. God is a good and merciful God and Savior, but we can and do get in a pile of trouble if we don’t follow the rules he’s set up. We learn what he wants from us in his Word, the Holy Bible. If we don’t read it, we face the consequences of our ignorance.

What are you working on now and what's next for you?  I actually have several books in various stages of completion.  God has blessed me with a creative spirit and he inspires me with new ideas all the time.  I would like very much to complete a book for God seekers this year.  It is on my heart to complete this work because there are so many people who are at the mercy of the devil because they don't know the truths in God's Word.  I hope to reach out to them in this book.  Hopefully, it will be a book belivers can share with ubelieving members of their family, as well as friends.

Where can we find you? (Facebook, twitter, blog, website, etc.) You can find me at http://www.songsfromtheword.com/NewChristianBooks New Christian Online Magazine, a free magazine I publish online as a service to the Christian reading and writing communities. The magazine features new book announcements as well as book excerpts, a Bible-based living column, author marketing news and other features. I’m also at http://www.naturephotodownloads.com  Nature Photo Downloads.com, where I sell photo backgrounds and other nature image licenses.

You also can contact me through Facebook or Elance, where I offer free-lance writing, editing, book cover design and other services to authors.

Where can we buy your books?

My books are available through the http://www.songsfromtheword.com/NewChristianBooks/?page_id=707”>  which is my New Christian Books Online Store, http://www.naturephotodownloads.com Nature Photo Downloads, Smashwords.com, and other major online retailers, including Apple, Barnes and Noble, and Sony. Fast Track to Victory is available in Amazon’s Kindle store. Look for special discounts at New Christian Books through mid-August and at Smashwords through July.

Anything else you would like to add?

Well, thank you so much for this interview Theresa. I’ve had a chance to share a lot that is one my heart here. There is just one other thing: Why I feel so passionate about sharing God with others.
It took a devastating illness for me to find God, really for Him to find me. I suffered from Environmental Illness for more than three years and literally was out of options when I surrendered my life to God. In his mercy, he gave my life back to me, and has enabled me to do so many things I thought was impossible, like have a second child. I have committed myself to doing whatever it is He wants me to do.

1 comment:

The Crazy Cat Lady said...

A fantastic interview, thank you for sharing with us, Cheryl! Your books really sound interesting :)
Tweeted the interview ~