Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Paulette Harper

I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about my friend, Paulette Harper.  She is a sought after speaker, certified life coach, elder and author. As an inspirational and motivational speaker, Paulette’s desire is to motive women to reach their God given potential through conferences, workshops and seminars.  She is the recipient of the 2010 AIM Literary Award, presented by Bishop I.V. and Pastor Bridget Hilliard on Oct 20, 2010.  She is also Jeweled Ministries 2010 Author of the year. Paulette Harper Johnson serves in ministry with her husband Sr. Pastor Tony E. Johnson at Word of Faith Worship Center in Bradenton, FL.

This is a stressful world and oftentimes, people try to seek fulfillment from money, relationships, accomplishments, or material things. Others choose to cope with difficult problems by using drugs or alcohol; but they often come up short and soon realize that such things do not bring true happiness and fulfillment in life. How then can we successfully solve the problems that we face and find true happiness and peace in our lives? In her latest book, Completely Whole, Paulette shows readers how to overcome suffering caused by alcoholism, substance abuse, poverty, and other obstacles blocking the path to a life of wholeness in spirit, soul, and body.  http://www.amazon.com/Completely-Whole-

In her well-written, resource-filled guide, Harper provides readers with practical and biblically-based solutions to overcome everyday problems. Completely Whole features prayers, meditations, and powerful scripture passages to allow readers to interact with the text and to apply it to their own lives. Harper uses personal experiences and biblical principles to place readers on a path to be in connection with God. This life-changing book will help readers to transform their spirit, soul, and body through Jesus Christ, so they can live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment. 
Paulette didn’t grow up with the aspiration to become a professional writer. When God spoke to her heart about writing, she knew He wanted her to write inspirational books-books that encouraged, motivated and led readers toward a closer walk with Him.
On May 24, 2008, her first non-fiction inspirational book That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored was released, which achieved national recognition by being awarded a finalist in the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Award and ranked consecutively on the Black Christian Publishers Bestsellers List for Independent Publishers, Non-Fiction.  On Nov 4, 2009, she was honored to be selected to participate in two anthologies, Victorious Living for Women and Victorious Living for Moms.  On Aug 3, 2011 Completely Whole was released under her own publishing company Thy Word Publishing
Completely Whole is one of those books that will challenge the reader to exam their own spirituality.  This life-changing book will help readers to transform their spirit, soul, and body through Jesus Christ, so they can live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment. In Completely Whole, Paulette offers keys to help those who are searching for answers that can lead to a life of complete wholeness: Spirit, Soul and Body. Her focus in writing is to enrich the lives of readers.
Paulette writes non-fiction inspirational books which mean the messages should have a lasting effect on a person’s spirit.  Through her writing, Paulette tries to give strength, encouragement in the time of need. This book is inspiring, optimistic, hopeful and encouraging while providing a clear-cut, scriptural blueprint for each reader to follow as they allow the Word and the power of God to transform their pain and restore their lives on their road to becoming "Completely Whole."
Paulette has created Write Now, literary workshops. These workshops are designed to coach aspiring writers in the areas of creativity, development and publication of Christian books.
Paulette has started writing her first Christian Fiction book series. The first book in the Trinity Lakes series is titled: The Sanctuary.  It will be released sometime next year.
Please visit Paulette at:
Facebook under Paulette Harper-Johnson
Her blog Empowered to Proper: www.pauletteharper.blogspot.com
I have been interviewed by Anita Estes this week.  Click on her address to read the interview.  Visit other Christian authors' blogs as we introduce each other to our readers:
Tom Blubaugh, tomblubaugh.blogspot.com;
Theresa Franklin, www.theresa-lifesjourney.blogspot.com
Marcia Laycock, http://www.writer-lee.blogspot.com; and 

1 comment:

Nothing But Books said...

Thanks so much Theresa for doing the feature.

God bless