Monday, June 13, 2011

Leaving for Vacation

Well the day is finally here.  I am leaving for vacation this morning.  A host of people are leaving for vacation this morning.  We are all going to New York--The Big Apple.  Wait!!  Why are all these kids here with us?  Oh, yes,  it's VBS time. 

During the next few weeks, many churches will be conducting Vacation Bible School.  One curriculum being used is The Big Apple Adventure published by Lifeway Press.  The common theme is Making a Connection.  The students will learn to:
  • Connect with Faith using the illustration of the Centurion Acts in Faith (Matt. 8).  The life application is I can have faith in Jesus.
  • Connect with Love using the illustration of A Woman Responds with Love (Luke 7).  The life application will be I can love Jesus.
  • Connect with Trust from the Bible story of Nicodemus Chooses to Trust (John 3).  I can trust Jesus as my Savior will be the life application.
  • Connect with Others from the Bible story of The Samaritan Woman Tells others (John 4). The life application being  I can tell others about Jesus.
  • Connect with Life from the Bible Story The Disciples Receive Instruction (Acts 1).  The life application will be I can live for Jesus.
Yes, the kids come for the fun.  Yes, they come because they are bored.  Yes, they come because their friend invited them.  It doesn't matter WHY they come.  The important fact is THEY COME.  

No matter what curriculum being used, let's take this opportunity to tell a child something he or she might not hear from anyone else--Jesus Christ died on the cross for their salvation. 

Won't you take a moment to pray for children and workers involved in VBS this summer?

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