Monday, January 2, 2012

Song Worth Pondering

Sunday, in church the choir sang a song unfamiliar to most of the congregation.  I listened closely to the words.  The chorus said:

They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love.
They will know we are Christians by our love.

I thought about the truth of those words.  What would we show the world if we truly demonstrated love to each other?  How often have we seen two Christians fighting like cats and dogs?  Have you ever seen Christians be mortal enemies for years? 

The sermon was on Chapter 4 of Ephesians.  The pastor made several comments that allowed my mind to continue on the thought pattern above.  He said, "It's not about you.  It's not about me.  It's the kingdom of God."  Then he talked about Christians who are angered for petty reasons.  He said, "That is not kingdom building.  It is monument building.  We are building a monument to ourselves."  Whoa!!!  How often do we do that? 

I determined to try to do more kingdom building this year.  When someone angers me, I will try to examine my behavior and determine if it is kingdom building or monument building.   I challenge you to do the same.  Let's endeavor to build the kingdom of God this year.

1 comment:

Tracy Krauss said...

This is a very worthy goal. Sometimes we get so caught up in our other goals (lose weight, etc.) that we miss the most important goal of all - loving each other more!