Monday, August 15, 2011

Mission Possible

Today I would like to introduce you to Deborah McCarragher, author of Mission Possible.  Deborah writes about an issue faced by many Christian spouses.  Her book is written from her heart and experience.

Deborah began her journey of creative writing soon after coming to know Jesus Christ as her personal Savior in 1989.  She uses her spiritual gifts of encouragement and teaching in her home church.  She is also a small business owner of over twenty years. Her primary goal is to share her personal testimony with others while bringing hope and practical help through her book. She and her husband have one married son serving in the US Military. They reside in north Florida. 
  Mission Possible is a unique book in the Christian marketplace.  It addresses a subject that is often overlooked and misunderstood.  It is a candid look at my struggles and quest to reach my husband for Christ.  I became a believer seven years into our marriage, and this book is my personal testimony.  It applies Scripture and biblical principles to everyday struggles encountered within a spiritually mismatched marriage.  Mission Possible won the 2010 Readers Favorite Gold Seal Award for best Christian Non-Fiction book, and was nominated for the Christian Small Publisher’s Assoc. Book of the Year Award in 2009.

Hello, Deborah.  I am so glad you could join us today.  Thank you for wanting to share your story with others for Christ.  Tell us a little about your background.
  I grew up in a Navy family and moved frequently as a child.  I married my first husband right out of high school.  That marriage ended in divorce four years later. I remarried in 1982 (to my current husband) and we’ve been married for 28 years.  Seven years into our marriage, I gave my life to Jesus as Lord and Savior.

What inspired you to write this influential book?
  I was involved with a local intercessory prayer group at the time, and was prompted by God during prayer to write down what He was conveying to me about my husband and his salvation.  It was quite literally written while inspired, and without much effort on my part.  I just typed on the computer as He led me to bible verses and topics to talk about.  I remember writing down the names of the (7) chapters during prayer time on a tablet - just looking at them afterwards in awe.  It was quite a moving experience. 

What primary advice do you have for women who are married to "non-believing" husbands?
  I think the most important advice is to have faith in Who God Is and His sovereignty.  We can't "pre-package" our spouse's conversion experience, and God will always do what will bring Him the "most glory".  We also have to remember that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood.  Our spouse (if unsaved) isn't governed by God's Spirit--so we have to release them from that accountability.  We must have faith that rests in God and not in our own understanding, or by sight! 

 What kinds of reactions has the book generated thus far?
  I have had great reaction to my little book.  Some women love it because it is not lengthy, and they can read it quickly - yet refer back to it over & over again.  One woman emailed me a testimony that she was nearly ready to leave her husband, but after reading the book, felt that God was leading her to give her marriage another try.  That was very humbling and gratifying for me.  I just want to help women see that there is an alternative to being miserable in an unequally yoked marriage.

What's the main message that you'd like readers to take away from it?
   I would love readers to discover that God has a plan for each marriage that is in spiritual disunity.  It involves us, but it is always done HIS WAY!  I want readers to know that it is a process that evolves over time, that we must not put God in a box, but give Him roomto move in our spouse's life.  They need to know that because we are not perfect and continue to sin, that satan will try to discourage and influence us (women) to believe that our "mision" is not possible--but with God, all things are possible!

Any final thoughts you'd like to share?
  Just that I know how difficult it is to be married to a spouse who doesn't share your love and devotion to the Lord Jesus.  I, like many of my readers, get frustrated and disillusioned, but I know God has perfect timing and our best interests at heart overall.  He wants our spouses to come to a saving knowledge of Him and embrace a future together that brings glory to Him. 

How can our readers learn more about you and contact you directly?

  They can visit my website at or email me at  My paperback book is available on my website at .  I offer a reduced price and FREE Shipping. It is also available for order at any Christian bookstore, as well as through online stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  My ebook is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online ebook retailers.

I also maintain an inspirational Blog at


If you husband is unsaved, take heart. A man is most likely to be led to faith in Christ by their believing wife. The sacred Scriptures are not silent concerning your role as a believing wife with your unsaved husband. Deborah, has in Mission Possible , expounded scriptures to encourage women to believe God with a radical faith for the salvation of their spouse. She helps women fulfill their role in the marriage for the salvation of their mate. Give Mission Possible to any lady praying for the salvation of her husband 
In Jesus, Scott Yirka, Pastor/Teacher
Hibernia Baptist Church Green Cove Springs, FL
A brief outline of this book is best described by the author: "This book will serve to encourage your heart, strengthen your soul, and stretch your faith."  Mission Possible is
a detailed, Scripturally based boot-camp for the believing spouse on a new Godly mission - to be a testimony and a representative of Jesus to your husband. Deborah McCarragher's experience and energy presents the Word of God to edify and instruct on prayer, pitfalls
and priorities.

The book is set up to be used as a devotional or Bible study. It has a "Seek and Find" section with questions, discussion and additional Bible verses after each chapter. There
are also short clever remarks inserted into the chapters that can only be described as Pure Encouragement!  I highly recommend this paperback book for individual or women's group Bible studies. For those using an E-book, Mission Possible is very well formatted for the
E-book with easy chapter navigation.
L. Brandau, Book Reviewer
Mission Possible – Spiritual Covering
Author            Deborah McCarragher
Edition           Ebook
Extent             80 pages

ISBN                978-0-615-28585-6

Women, are you in an unequally-yoked marriage?  Are you tired of attending church alone? Do you yearn for a relationship with your husband that’s spiritually satisfying?  You can influence your home for Christ even within a spiritually mismatched marriage.

"Remember that ‘the battle is the Lord’s’ (I Samuel 17:47) and earnestly give the salvation of your mate to God in prayer.   Early on in your conversion it seems easier to be hopeful concerning your husband’s salvation.  You will need an added measure of faith as the years go by.”   (Excerpt from Chapter 1 – You’ve Embraced Christ – Now What?)

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to stand in the gap for your mate’s soul. This small book is a powerful tool for any woman who is married to a man who does not share her passion for Jesus. It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.
“Mission Possible” was awarded the 2010 Gold Seal Best Book in the Christian Non-Fiction category on Readers Favorite. 

Everyone has at least ONE friend who needs this book! In Mission Possible you will:

-- Discover how to believe with radical faith for your spouse’s salvation.
-- Learn the secret to “staying the course” while you wait for your promise.
-- Find out why many women don’t like to share their “secret sorrow”.
-- Overcome your own fears and doubts about your husband’s future with God.
-- Join other women in the knowledge that God has a perfect plan of unity for you and your spouse.

“For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy…For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband whether you will save your wife?”   I Corinthians 7:14, 16

1 comment:

God Mission Possible said...

Theresa - Thank you so much for hosting me and my book "Mission Possible" on your blog today! This is an issue many churches fail to address properly. My book was written to provide hope and encouragement for a situation many call hopeless. But with God - all things are possible!
