Thursday, January 20, 2011

Children or Adult Book?

As I wrote my first book Don't Forget Daddy, I thought I was writing a book for children.  Dealing with an issue in story format is called bibliotherapy and is very effective.  Being a special education teacher, my heart is with helping children overcome problems they face everyday.  Therefore, I set out to write a book about a little girl who must accept a new step-father.  As with all of my books, it was bathed in prayer. 

I have been surprised at how many adults have written asking to read the book because they faced the same issue as a child.  It seems that hurts in childhood become scars in adulthood. 

If you dealt with the problem as a child, I hope you will not dismiss this book as "for children only".  It is my prayer that God uses each one of my books to be a blessing to those who need it and a testimony to Him.

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