Friday, April 27, 2012

Interviewing Cynthia

Triumph Through Trial
Q.  Hello Cynthia.  Why don’t you introduce yourself to my readers?

A.  Well, I’m Cynthia Owens, one of the main characters in Triumph Through Trial. I am the matriarch of the family.

Q.  How many others are in the family?

A.  My husband, Michael and I have three children.

Q.  Are they young children?

A.  No, they are all young adults.

Q.  Does that cause conflict?

A.  Does it ever.  There is drama in their lives and they bring it home on a daily basis.

Q.  What about your marriage?  Is there drama there?

A.  I thought we had a wonderful marriage, but Michael thought there was drama.

Q.  You don’t agree?

A.  No, I don’t.

Q.  Can you tell us about the story?

A.  Like many Christian families, the Owens family lives a different life in private than they show to the rest of the world.  Theresa tells how the stress is affecting each family member.

Q.  Is there a lot of sin in their lives?  Does Theresa share that in the book?

A.  Sin is sin and all is displeasing to God.  Yes, Theresa does share that in the book.  But if you are thinking this is a book about the seedy side of life, you are mistaken.  This family is not secret mobsters or prostitutes.  This family is just your average American family whose private life is not pleasing to God.

Q.  What could they be doing that is so displeasing to God?

A.  Anytime we don’t bring honor and glory to God, it is displeasing to Him.

Q.  Is the whole family displeasing to God?

A.  Actually there is one character that wreaks havoc on the family.

Q.  Is there love in this family?

A.  Like all families, we love each other in spite of ourselves.

Q.  How does the story end?

A.  Oh we can’t give away the ending.  But Theresa will keep you guessing to the last chapter.

Q.  At one point it looks like the family will split up.  Does that happen?

A.  God has many ways of teaching us what He wants from His children.  Sometimes those lessons aren’t pleasant, but if we yield to God’s will, it will bring honor and glory to His name.

Q.  I’m not sure that answers my question.

A.  I’m sure it doesn’t, but Theresa will answer it in Triumph Through Trial.

Q.  Where can we find the book?

A.  It is available on and  You can also get a link from any of Theresa’s blogs or websites.

Q.  Can you give us those addresses?

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