Friday, September 14, 2012

Piggy Back

Today I am piggy backing off my friend Janet Perez.  She shared a beautiful experience with her grand-daughter and it reminded me of an experience I had with my oldest son.

Father kissing babyWhen our oldest son was two years old and I was expecting our second child, my husband wanted to purchase some equipment from another man and insisted  our son and I join him.  We arrived at the man's house and he escorted us to the backyard.  We stood in the heavily wooded yard.  My husband and the man were facing each other.  Our small son stood directly behind my husband and I stood behind the child.  From where he stood, my husband could not see either myself or our toddler.

Suddenly a huge, friendly dog came galloping up to our son.  Being only two years old, he believed he was in danger and let out a blood curdling scream.  Without hesitation or a break in speaking, his daddy turned, swooped the child up in his arms, turned back to the man and continued the conversation.  Immediately our small boy looked over his daddy's shoulder, reached out to the dog, made a smacking sound with his mouth and said, "'Mone, dog."  

As I watched the scene before me, I thought what a great picture of our Savior.  We are afraid of danger when we stand on our own, but we can face anything when we are safe in our Father's arms.  What are you facing today.  You don't have to be afraid if you are safe in our Father's arms.

Please click the link below to ready Janet's experience.


Sandra McLeod Humphrey said...

So beautiful, so true--He is our refuge, our security, 24:7!

Yvonne Pat Wright said...

So true and oh if we would only keep this thought in our minds at all times.